Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We Must Carry on While Daylight Lasts

I Kings 10
John 9:1-5

John 9:4:"While daylight lasts we must carry on the work of him who sent me; night is coming, when no one can work."

This little passage, John 9:1-5, was so loaded that I hardly knew which part to concentrate on. I finally decided to think about verse 4. It fits with my thoughts of my cloud of witnesses (see the sidebar). I want to carry on for them in doing the work of him who sent Jesus. And it does seem that night is coming. There is so much hostility in our culture towards Christian values, or where there is not hostility, there is great indifference. When night does come, no one can work, so while daylight lasts, we must carry on the work of him who sent Jesus--that is, the work of God our Father. This is something to do consciously and proactively. We must actively love others and serve them in his name, and show others what God's love is about. We will have the help of Jesus, the light of the world.


  1. I'm trying more and more to love Jesus by intentionally loving to serve my husband, family and others in very little ways.
    It seems no one wants to be a plain old servant that does the "unglamorous" work. Even in the church it's called "Servant Leadership" :)

  2. I find that it's really hard to do the servant intentional loving. Sometimes you want to say angry things, and remembering what Jesus would want you to do and say instead takes some real effort! But I'm convinced that these little things are part of God's kingdom here on earth. It's not just going off to the mission field or changing careers to work with at risk people, great as those things are. Little things are very important.
