Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bringing You Blessing

I Chronicles 3
Acts 3:17-26

Acts 3:26:"When God raised up his servant, he sent him to you first, to bring you blessing by turning every one of you from his wicked ways."

Lots of people think that Christianity is about a bunch of rules, and that Christians are interested in telling other people what they can't do. This is far from the truth. In reality, Christianity is a relationship with God, and it is about the joy that brings, and freedom from being dragged down by sin.

But it is true that Christianity involves turning away from doing wrong things. Yet this is not something that makes life less fun. It's not like Christians are sitting around bored, wishing they could go out and party like their non-Christian friends. Instead, when Christians live the new life that they have in Christ, it brings them great blessing. The joy and freedom they experience is so great that they would never want to return to their old ways. They didn't know what it would be like until they had tried it. But once they did, it was so much better! If only everyone knew how great this life is.

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