Sunday, April 11, 2010

Available for All

Nehemiah 10
Romans 9:17-33

Romans 9:24: "We are those objects of mercy, whom he has called from among Jews and Gentiles alike."

The theology in these next chapters of Romans is complex and has to deal with predestination and with the relationship between Jews and Gentiles and God's purpose for people of all races. It needs whole sermons and books to deal with it!

But for the purposes of these meditations, we can concentrate on some salient points. And one of them is in verse 24. That point is that God loves people from all races, and he chooses people from among all kinds of people to be those who will respond to him and be his followers.

Although at first the earliest Christians believed that Jesus had come only for the benefit of the Jews, they soon saw that he had come for the benefit of everyone else (the Gentiles) as well. And still his love is available for everyone who will respond.

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