Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Spiritual Outlook

Nehemiah 4
Romans 8:5-11

Romans 8:5-6: "Those who live on the level of the old nature have their outlook formed by it, and that spells death; but those who live on the level of the spirit have the spiritual outlook, and that is life and peace."

Giving our lives to Christ does more than just assure us of salvation. It transforms our very outlook on life. The closer we get to God, and the more intimate our relationship with him, then the more differently we see things.

And this new outlook leads to life and peace, and also to joy and contentment. True happiness and satisfaction come from a life lived in relationship with God. I know this because I have experienced it. I would not trade it for any other kind of life, no matter the thrills or pleasures or riches that might come with it.

Those who live on the level of the spirit have the spiritual outlook, and that is life and peace. Hallelujah to the resurrected Lord who gives this to us!

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