Sunday, May 30, 2010

No Distinctions

Job 20
I Corinthians 12:12-13

I Corinthians 12:13a: "For in the one Spirit we were all brought into one body by baptism, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free."

Among the earliest Christians there were still some distinctions made between the original Christians, who were Jewish, and the later converts, who were most often Greek-speaking. And while many of them were free, some of them were slaves.

Paul here is emphasizing that despite these outward differences, it meant nothing to God whether a person was a Jew or a Greek, or a slave or a free person, in terms of the person's status as a Christian. All were equally acceptable to God.

It is the same for other distinctions between people. As it says elsewhere in the Bible, there is also no difference to God between male and female. There is no difference between black, brown, white, or any other skin color. There is no difference between Asian, African, American, Australian, or European. All who turn to God are equally acceptable to him. God loves all people.

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