Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not Everything Is Good for Us

Job 16
I Corinthians 10:14-33

I Corinthians 10:23a: "'We are free to do anything,' you say. Yes, but not everything is good for us."

Many of the early Christians were happy that they had been released from the ceremonial laws of the Jewish religion, and were glad to proclaim that they were free to do anything. But Paul is quick here to remind them that not everything is good for them, and that not everything builds up the community. They must even more than before use their judgment (and turn to God in prayer) to know what they ought to do, and ought to refrain from doing.

The same is true of us. We may not be bound by a lot of rules and regulations, but we must always think of whether an action is helpful or kind or healthy. And above all, we must think of whether what we do helps bring God's kingdom closer, or works against it. I try to use this last test of my actions whenever I can (or, being a faulty human, whenever I remember it!)

It feels good when we know that we are doing what is for the good rather than what is for the bad.

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