Friday, June 4, 2010

Understanding Partially and Wholly

Job 24
I Corinthians 13:8-13

I Corinthians 13:12: "At present we see only puzzling reflections in a mirror, but one day we shall see face to face. My knowledge now is partial; then it will be whole, like God's knowledge of me."

There are often times when I don't understand things about God. I don't understand why he allows us free will to do bad things that hurt other people. I know that he is the epitome of goodness and justice, and so his design for us must be right, but I don't understand it.

But that's because I'm not God--I'm just a human. And my knowledge now is only partial. One day I will see face to face and my knowledge will be whole. Then I will understand. I am glad that God is good (I know this from the Bible and from my experience) and that I can trust that that day will come.

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