Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wisdom and Understanding

Job 28
I Corinthians 15:29-49

Job 28:28b: "The fear of the Lord is wisdom, and to turn from evil, that is understanding."

When I was younger it used to confuse me when I heard people talk about the "fear of the Lord." I wondered why we should be afraid of him. Now I understand it a little better. It doesn't really mean being afraid of God. It means respecting him. (It also can mean having a sort of fear of him, that is, awe of his power and realization of what it could mean for us if we should choose to thumb our noses at him.)

Wisdom for us begins when we respect God and apply our minds to what he wants us to know. Turning from evil gives us understanding. Until we respect God and turn from evil, we do not have true wisdom or understanding, no matter how learned we think we are. Our minds can never approach God's. We can't have true wisdom without him.

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