Monday, July 19, 2010

God Cares for Each of Us

Psalm 8
II Corinthians 12:1-10

Psalm 8:3-4: "When I look up at your heavens, the work of your fingers, at the moon and the stars you have set in place, what is a frail mortal, that you should be mindful of him, a human being, that you should take notice of him?"

One of the most amazing aspects of God to me is that he is so big, so omnipresent and omniscient, and yet so particular. He knows everyone, and yet he knows me. He cares about everyone, and yet he cares about me.

If you look up at the menu bar on the top of this blog you will see "Next Blog." It takes you to other random blogs. Now it takes you to blogs that are related by topic, but it used to be blogs on any topic. I have found that to be quite fascinating, to see blogs by unknown people. What a variety, and vast number, of people there are in the world! And God knows--and loves--each one of those people.

At church, or in other situations, sometimes I have talked with people, or heard people talking, about the ways God has been intimately involved in their lives. It's easy to think that God cares about me, but it's astonishing to realize the depth of caring that God also has for other people. Many times these people are quite different from me, but God is actively working in their lives just as he is in mine. God is particularly involved in each of those people's lives.

God has made the stars, the boundless universe. But he cherishes and cares profoundly for each of the people he has made. What a marvelous God he is!

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