Thursday, December 24, 2009

It Was Accomplished

(My posts may be somewhat sporadic in the next week to 10 days due to the holidays and my vacation.)

II Kings 16
John 19:16b-30

John 19:30a:"Having received the wine, he said, 'It is accomplished!'"

Jesus knew the purpose for his death. He was not a great teacher with a vision, who somehow failed in the end. No, he was God himself in human form, having come to earth in order to die instead of us, so that he could accept the punishment for our sins. He himself committed no sin, but he bore the blame for every single sin, little or big, that every single person, past, present, or future ever did or ever will commit. This is so that when any one of those people was or is or will be sorry for their sins, and turns to God, and intends to commit sin no more to the best of their ability, then they will no longer have to suffer the punishment for their sins, because Jesus already did. That's how much God loves us.

That's why Jesus was born at Christmastime. He came to earth as a little baby so that he could grow up and die in order to take the punishment for our sins. O come, let us adore him.

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