Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Where He Is, There Should We Be

I Kings 20:1-21
John 12:20-26

John: 12:26a:"If anyone is to serve me, he must follow me; where I am, there will my servant be."

It's important to remember that we are not to choose where to go and what to do and then ask God to be with us. Those are fine ways to proceed, of course, better than just going on our merry way without God at all. But if we are really going to live as disciples of Jesus, then we need to turn things around. Instead of making our plans and then asking God to bless them, we ask God for his plans and then we follow him.

How do we do this? We pray a lot. We read the Bible a lot. We keep God uppermost in our minds all the time (or, we try to.) And then when it's time for a decision, we do specific praying about it. Often we will know where God is leading us or what he wants us to do. And when he is in charge of things, we can know that where we are, there the best guide and protector of all is, too.

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